For generations, people have trusted the Bible. It has guided, encouraged, and comforted millions of people who readily testify to its life-changing impact. It is the best selling book of all time, and not by a small margin. Its ethical standards have launched freedom movements, and its laws and regulations have guided lawmakers, judges, and jurists by the score. It has inspired great works of music and art, including songs, sculpture, paintings, plays, and movies. Its graphic portrayals of heroes and heroines have captured the imagination of young and old alike.

On the other hand, it is also perhaps the most criticized document in history. Literally thousands of books have been written giving “evidence” that it is not true. Typical of false witnesses, the detractors often contradict each other, and their logic is faulty. Opponents claim that it is “just a book written by men.” Some critics say its main character, Jesus, never lived. Others acknowledge that he lived, but claim he never said what the Bible says he said. Others acknowledge that he lived and that much of what is recorded in the Bible was what he said, but assert that he was not literally raised from the dead. And so it goes. Like the false witnesses at Christ’s trial, their testimonies do not agree (Mark 14:59).

The best way for you to decide whether you can believe the Bible is to weigh the evidence for yourself. I trust that when all of it has been loaded onto the scales, you will find that the Bible is reliable, trustworthy, and 100% believable.

Categories: accessdenied!, Blogroll, life, love, relationships, religion, trip | Tags: , , , , , | 8 Comments

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  1. Pingback: SHOULD WE TRUST THE BIBLE? | jdTVu

  2. God doesn’t lie.

  3. yes miguel, He doesnt lie. that is why it is a challenge for all of us to share His word.

  4. We believe the Bible because of our faith. If we have faith, then we will believe. 🙂

  5. hi ces, thanks for the sharing. yes its true that we need to believe and yes we need to have faith…

  6. John 20:31 “But these are written, that ye might believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God; and that believing ye might have life through His name.”

    Thus the Bible claims to be the Word of God, and as such is divinely authoritative, completely infallible and absolutely sufficient.

  7. when it comes to bible, some histographers really dig in the ancient times where it all started. the early christian history is a topic that has been argued a lot of times. when it comes to Bible, this is what i held onto.

    2 timothy 3:16-17
    all Scriptures are God breathed and is used for teaching, correcting, rebuking and training for righteousness so that the man of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.

  8. thanks for the sharing everyone…

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